Government of
Himanchal Pradesh
Department of Rural Development
No. RDO- III-B(15)4/2013-Vol-III-2067-2326
Dated,Shimla-09 08/07/2016
continuation to this Department’s Notification No. SMI-9/99-2007-RDD dated 14.09.2007
vide which a policy was framed to engage Computer Operators under MNREGA at
different levels
i.e. Development Blocks, DRDA and RDO Hqrs ; and subsequent guidelines/instruction issued from time to time in r/o these Computer Operators, the Governor ,Himachal Pradesh is pleased to convey the approval to convert the Computer Operators, who have completed 05 year of their engagements of Rs. 15100(i.e. initial of the pay scale of Rs. 10300-34800 with G.P. of Rs. 3200 and 50% of the Gp) with annual increase of 3% and further regular pfy scale of Rs. 10300- 34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 3200/- after 05 year of service as per prevailling policy of the State Government.
i.e. Development Blocks, DRDA and RDO Hqrs ; and subsequent guidelines/instruction issued from time to time in r/o these Computer Operators, the Governor ,Himachal Pradesh is pleased to convey the approval to convert the Computer Operators, who have completed 05 year of their engagements of Rs. 15100(i.e. initial of the pay scale of Rs. 10300-34800 with G.P. of Rs. 3200 and 50% of the Gp) with annual increase of 3% and further regular pfy scale of Rs. 10300- 34800 with Grade Pay of Rs. 3200/- after 05 year of service as per prevailling policy of the State Government.
Further, In
cintinuation to this Department’s Nothfication No SMS-7/2002-RDD-Vol-III dated
4.4.2008 and 4.9.2008 vide which a policy was framed to engage Gram Rozagar
Sewaks under MGNREGA at Development Block leval ; and subsequent
guidelines/instruction issued from time to time in r/o these Gram Rozagar
Sewaks. The Governor. Hemachal Pradesh is Pleased to convey the approval to
convert the Gram Rozagar Sewaks, who have completed 05 years of their
engagement under MGNREGA, as Daily Wager @ 242/- per day under MGNREGA and
after completion of seven years, regular pay scale of the post of Panchayat
Secretary i.e. Rs 5910-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- as per prevailing
policy of the State Government.
detailed policy in r/o these cateories i.e. Computer Operators and Gram Rozagar
Sewaks at Annexure-A. All the expenditure on grant of Contractual/daily wages
emoluments and regular scales all emolumeats/TA/DA etc. of these above
categories is to be mat out of the
admisble administrative contingency of
MGNREGA and their engagement/deployment/conversion under instant policy
is purely on temporary and co-terminus basis under MGNREGA. The cut of date for
counting the date of period of completion of OS years shall be 21 March , 2015
yet the revised emoluments shall be payable from July, 2018.
authority will remain with the Government to modify. Amend or withdraw, any
prevision(s) of the above policy as and when required/needed.
By Order
Secretary( Rural Development) to the
Govt. of Himachal Pradesh.
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